The Family

The Family

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Never Judge a Book By It's Cover

Never judge a book by its cover. This statement pertains to much more than a book and its contents. I know myself when I am shopping for a book I have learned that creator of the cover is most often not the writer of the story, so why would I confuse the gift of illustrating or packaging with the art of writing? You have to really know the author or be willing to take a chance on a new author and completely overlook the cover. How many times in your life have you allowed what you thought or heard about another individual to determine how you react to that person or whether or not you chose to invite that person into your life? We have all done it. It may have been because you trusted the person who delivered their opinion about the other person and you assumed that your experience would mirror theirs? Maybe the situation was a bad one and no matter who was involved your friend would have negative feelings toward them. Or your reaction may be initiated by a past experience with someone like them. Or maybe something they said or did rubbed you the wrong way the first time you met them. Whatever the reason we have all met a person for the first time and have brought past knowledge or experience into the decision making process of how we feel about that person. Do you and your friends have the same exact taste in music, books, or movies? Have you ever not read a book because someone you respected said it was awful? Only to read it later and love it? Have you went to a movie that got bad reviews, only to really like it? The same thing can happen with people. Just because your current acquaintance A had a negative experience with person B, does not mean that your experience will be the same. Think of all the good books and movies you would have missed out on if you had not taken a chance and decided to find out whether or not you liked it for yourself? In my opinion if you are willing to take a chance on something that will have a small impact on your life like a movie, while don't we take the same approach with people. Why allow some else's opinion guide our relationships with others? Take a chance of people and get to know them for your self, it could mean that you find a blockbuster or New York Bestselling friend! What I am telling you is this...just because someone you know doesn't like a certain person in the command, for what ever reason. Take the time to get to know the person for yourself, form your own opinion and then decide for yourself. If you don't you may miss out on an experience of a life time. HONORCOURAGECOMMITMENT

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